Tuesday, May 26, 2009

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I have the best feeling I EVER had in my whole life...ever!!! And my brother his best birthday present ever (its his birthday today so Happy Birthday!!!xxx).....
My dad got the phone call from his consultant:
HE IS FINE!!! HE IS OK!!!! It worked!
Oh my god, I am just crying and crying!!
No words can really describe how I feel.....so I think I leave it as that....just one simple word...HAPPINESS.
I am now going to leave work and instead of going for a run I will open a bottle of champagne!!
Celebrate together with Hanna.
I promise I will write more later but at the moment I am just a "mess of emotions"....but a bloody jolly mess!!!! ;-)
(Just on a small little note.....treatment of cancer is a long term thing and the all "clear" is not until 5 years after diagnosis. Important to bare this in mind....a new PET scan will be carried out after the summer to see if things are still good.
But this is nothing to think or worry about now!! Now is NOW and the future we can worry or deal with later!!!)
from ME

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No news..Good news??

Still no news about the results from the PET/CT scan....
I just hope that no news are good news.....?? It just has to be!!
Lots of love to everyone from me

Monday, May 18, 2009

Propp i Lungan..ennu ett bakslag.

Foerlaat att jag inte har skrivit paa ett tag....
Her kommer en liten uppdatering.
Jag pratade med pappa i telefon paa soendagen den 10 maj och han let daa veldigt hengig och hade feber och var troett. Det visade sig att han hade faatt en propp i ena lungan... Han spenderade hela dagen (Maandagen) paa akuten och blev sedan kvar paa sjukhuset. Ennu ett bakslag.....Det tar visst aldrig slut.
Men han blev bettre under veckan och kunde skrivas ut paa fredagen, lagom tills jag kom hem! :-) Vi hade en mysig helg och var ute paa oen baade Loerdag och Soendag och pappa var med baada dagarna. Foeroevrigt saa tycker jag att han ser starkare ut, repar sig OK....och han er vid gott mod..eller vid saa gott mod som man nu bara kan vara i denna situation.....
Vi ventar ju foertfarande paa test resultatet ifraan isotop roentgen......nervoest. Synd att vi inte kunde faa svar nu medans jag var hemma. Det hade ju kennts mycket bettre....men nu er jag tillbaka i England igen och faar ta nyheten her istellet. Hoppas foerstaas att det ska vara positivt. Lovar att skriva saa fort jag vet!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

PET-CT Scan Today

My dad went to see his consultant on Monday. She said that his neck feels good and the hard “lumps” are gone and the tissue appears to be soft which is good. She said that he has managed the treatment very well….so now just cross our fingers and hope it has worked!!
She decided to do the PET-CT scan already today (Wednesday) as she is really curious to see how it worked. It’s a bit too early to say if it has been 100% successful as the treatment may work a bit more but it will give an indication how things have gone so far.
My dad is really nervous which is understandable….however, we will not get the results until earliest end of next week…..Terrible waiting…. At least I will be back in Sweden by then so it’s a bit of a good timing as I want to be there to share the news with my family…either good or bad….
Praying for good news!!!