Thursday, March 26, 2009


Today is my dads last day of treatment!! 7 weeks and 34 treatments in total is now over and done with!!! Well done dad, you have been so positive and a real fighter!!
Its been hard in the last week but I talked to my mum yesterday and she said that dad is a bit better compare to at the weekend and beginning of the week.
He is still in hospital but will hopefully be moved to another smaller hospital (in our hometown )instead now when the treatment is over.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dad is in hospital

Surgery went OK, but my dad is not very well at the moment. He came home from the hospital on Saturday but the weekend was a bit of a struggle. He went back into the hospital again today and will now stay there. It’s a bit difficult to grasp when you are not there next to him, seeing him…
I had such a lovely weekend in the sunshine, BBQ, yoga, long walks, mountain bike ride, drinks with friends and its almost like I feel a bit bad and guilty that I have enjoyed my weekend when I found out that dad had such a hard time….
But guess you need the positive and happy times to save energy for the harder times????

I so wish I could be there right now….not only to support dad but also for my brother and mum. I booked my ticket to go home again but its 2 weeks left and it feels like forever…
BIG HUGHS and lots of love to everyone!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today is surgery day....I am thinking of you dad!
I love you so much and I wish I could be in Sweden right now.
Talk soon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pretty low at the moment...

Week 5 past without major problems. I saw my dad on the 10th as I were coming home a day earlier before I went skiing for the weekend as I really wanted to see him even if it was just for a day! He looked OK, lost a bit more weight and also a little bit of hair in the neck region. This is something he was not happy about!! Both mum and I said that it does not matter but he kept looking in the mirror to see if he could see anymore evidence of hair loss….
I talked to him again on the phone yesterday which was start of week 6. He is now feeling pretty poorly since Sunday and is going to be admitted to the hospital tomorrow. They will do the surgery to insert the PEG on Thursday and he will probably stay at the hospital over the weekend. It has gone so well until now so guess we should be happy about that, but it appears that maybe harder time are in front of us…..

So what about me; I feel pretty low at the moment and close to tears pretty much all the time…. I think I have coped very well since treatment started as you are sort of in a bubble, focused on the treatment only and not looking forward to the future too much. My dad has done so well which of course also made the whole journey so much easier. But now it starts to feel a bit….

Friday, March 6, 2009

Halfway there!!

We are now more than halfway!!
Here comes a little update for this week.
My dad has now done 4 weeks of treatment!! That means 4 chemotherapy and 20 radiotherapy sessions and he is now more than halfway through his treatment! He now got 3 chemotherapy and 14 radiotherapy sessions left.
He is in a little bit of pain but not too much and can still eat even if it’s a bit of a struggle. He has not lost any weight either this week so that’s good. However, he talked to the doctor a couple of days ago and he wants to put in a gastric feeding tube, a PEG. He is doing this as a precaution as they believe it will become a struggle to eat within the next week or so, and this is therefore an easy way to get plenty of nutrition, which my dad needs.
If you want some simple info on a PEG please check below.
I talked to my dad earlier today and he is in a good fighting spirit, even if a bit tired.
I love you so much dad and well done so far!! Keep it up.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Surprise- I am in Sweden!

Surprise, I am in Sweden!! :-)
Took a flight back home on Thursday night and my bother came to pick me up form the airport. My dad did not have a clue as he thought I would come home in a couple of weeks (which I still will). It was so nice to just walk in, say HI and give him a big hug!! He looks fine and not ill at all at the moment, and that was a nice suprise for me and felt good! On friday I went into hospital for final treatment of week 3. It was a bit scary at first to see when they put the mask on and then locks into the bed...does not look too pleasant.... But my dad says its not too bad and the whole thing is over in just 10 min or so.

Had a lovely weekend and was so good to see everyone and lovely to see that my dad is still doing great! He is just a bit tired and are having a nap in the afternoons and also a bit grumpy at meal times, which is understandable when nothing taste of anything!