Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Dad Has Cancer

Friday 9th Jan 2009.
Things proceed quickly this week. We went in for biopsy (vävnadsprov) and x-ray on Monday 5th. Back into hospital on Tuesday afternoon and my dad stayed overnight to prepare for surgery the next day. Tonsil (halsmandel) was removed and surgery went well. My mum and I (my brother had to stay home due to a cold) went in on Friday 9th to pick up my dad and also be given his diagnosis.
Nothing can prepare you for this and no one who has not been in this situation will understand how it feels…..
We went into this room with 7-9 different doctors sitting in a row (can’t really remember how many exact as it was all a bit of a blur). My dad sat down in a chair in the middle while me and mum sat on the side.
I can honestly not remember what they said except for; you have cancer, it’s aggressive, we give you 60% chance…..
Of course we had questions, probably millions of questions but not there and not then….body felt empty and mind blank….

Varje år ställs drygt 50000 cancer diagnoser i Sverige. Runt var och en finns människor som kommer påverkas av sjukdomen. Hundra tusentals livskamrater, barn, släktingar, vänner, grannar och arbetskamrater. Om någon är i en liknande situation eller bara känner att man vill läsa lite, gå in på: http://www.cancerfonden.se/upload/Dokument/Patientbroschyrer/narstaende_cancersjuk060524.pdf

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