Monday, April 6, 2009

Another Battle...

So yes, treatment is over and yes my dad were allowed home on Friday but now another battle starts. The recovery process....It may sound like a straight way a head but no....Its a battle both physically and mentally. Both of above for my dad while the latter is for the rest of us. We have now moved away from that "treatment bubble" which in a funny way felt had an aim and a focus: get throught treatment and with help of the daily support of all the wonderful nurses and doctors at the Oncology Centre. But we are sort of on our own now, and what happens next???
Mentally its hard, as now you start to think about; Has it worked? What if it has not worked? When will we find out??
Physically its hard for dad; these weeks are suppose to be the worse. He is on a daily high dose of morphine to ease the pain at least a bit. When my mum asked he said his pain is at 7 at the moment on a scale from 1-10 (and that is with all the morphine). He also has an infection from the PEG surgery and is taking antibiotics. He started to get fever yesterday and and got worse this morning and is right now in A&E (akuten).
Will update when I know some more.

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