Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bra nyheter!

Allt gick bra!! Pappa er super lettad och resten av familjen lika saa!! :-)
Lekaren sa att allt ser fint ut och kenns bra. De tog ocksaa ut "PEGGEN" i magen daa de inte tyckte att den behoevdes lengre. Perfekt! Pappa er mycket nojd och ser nu fram emot att aaka till Tyskland och Moseldalen en laang helg tillsammans med goda venner. Sedan ska han och mamma komma hit till England och helsa paa, foerst gaangen paa ett helt aar!
Nesta undersoekning blir visst om 3-4 maanader och daa kommer det att bli en PET/CT scan igen. Men det ska vi inte oroa oss foer nu.
Passa paa och njut av livet och ta vara paa varandra!

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Dag.....

I dag ska pappa in till Linkoeping paa undersoekning....Jag vet inte rikitigt vad det er de ska goera. Pappa vill foerst och fremst att de ska ta ut "peggen" som han har i magen daa han inte anvender den och den er mest till besver. Men lekarna har inte velat ta ut den daa den kanske maaste anvendas igen om naagot tidigt bakslag kom/kommer. Vi faar vel se vad de seger i dag. Sedan antar jag att de ska klemma och undersoeka....?!? Tydligen saa goer de ingen CT/PET scan, de seger att det recker att kenna och om der er naagot misstenkt ja daa goer man en rontgen. Konstigt....ja,jag foerstaar att man kan kenna knoelar osv men om det skulle ha spridit sig, eller er mycket smaa, smaa, knoelar laangt in hur kan man daa ha koll paa dem?!?! Ok, jag vet att rontgen inte er bra att goera allt foer maanga endaa.
Ja,ja vi faar se vad de seger.

Tror ni paa gud???
Jag vet inte, som forskare saa tror jag ju foerstaas inte paa hela den her grejen att gud skapade menniskan och jag tillhoer vel de som aldrig gaar i kyrkan.... men jag tror paa "naagot" antar jag....
Men i gaar kvell saa kneppte jag i alla fall mina hender och bad en boen foer pappa idag, att allt ska vara bra! Vad konstig man det bara jag som goer det i svaara stunder?!? Kenns endaa bettre paa naagot sett.
Kram till er alla

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Check-up is coming soon..

I am back in Sweden again! So lovely to see family and always!! Will stay for 3 weeks, working hard on my PhD write up.

It is such a difference to see my dad today compare to when I was home last month!! He is still recovering well and the sleepless nights does now consist of more sleep and less wake. This results in a less grumpy and more alert dad!! His mood is much better and he spends they day actually doing things rather that sleeping. He started to paint on our house, plus working a few hours a day. I did not expect him to be soo good so soon. Its only 8 months since diagnosis and only 4 months since last treatment!!

He will now have his first check up in Linkoeping at the ENT (oera/nesa/hals) clinic next friday the 4th. He is very nervous....which is understandable. We are nervous as well....
I just want everything to be fine!!! Please.

Will give an update of how it goes, in the meantime, please keep your fingers crossed for him!

LOve from me

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I am not sure if anyone is reading this blog anymore as I have not been updating it for very long so sorry about that....

My dad is still recovering well!! The only negative thing is that the tissue in his neck is damaged from the radiotherapy and as a result he has developed severe sleep apnoea. This means that he harldy sleeps at night as the stopping of breathing causes awakenings all throught the night. Becuase of this he is very tired during the day and falls a sleep all the time, within seconds and does not function very well. He went to his consultant and she said that this could happen as a side effect of treatment but hopefully things will improve by next year.
Another thing which is not getting any better yet is his taste, he cannot taste anything and his favourite food is now full fat milk and bluberries.
However, who care about taste and apnoeas at the moment!!! All that matters is that he will keep fighting this bloody disease and keep getting better!! That is the only this that matters!!
He will go back for his first check up sometime in late August/early september so fingers crossed for that the cancer has stayed away.

Otherwise, things are fine with all of us! Had a lovely summer together!
See you soon.
LOVE from me

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, I have the best feeling I EVER had in my whole life...ever!!! And my brother his best birthday present ever (its his birthday today so Happy Birthday!!!xxx).....
My dad got the phone call from his consultant:
HE IS FINE!!! HE IS OK!!!! It worked!
Oh my god, I am just crying and crying!!
No words can really describe how I I think I leave it as that....just one simple word...HAPPINESS.
I am now going to leave work and instead of going for a run I will open a bottle of champagne!!
Celebrate together with Hanna.
I promise I will write more later but at the moment I am just a "mess of emotions"....but a bloody jolly mess!!!! ;-)
(Just on a small little note.....treatment of cancer is a long term thing and the all "clear" is not until 5 years after diagnosis. Important to bare this in mind....a new PET scan will be carried out after the summer to see if things are still good.
But this is nothing to think or worry about now!! Now is NOW and the future we can worry or deal with later!!!)
from ME

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No news..Good news??

Still no news about the results from the PET/CT scan....
I just hope that no news are good news.....?? It just has to be!!
Lots of love to everyone from me

Monday, May 18, 2009

Propp i Lungan..ennu ett bakslag.

Foerlaat att jag inte har skrivit paa ett tag....
Her kommer en liten uppdatering.
Jag pratade med pappa i telefon paa soendagen den 10 maj och han let daa veldigt hengig och hade feber och var troett. Det visade sig att han hade faatt en propp i ena lungan... Han spenderade hela dagen (Maandagen) paa akuten och blev sedan kvar paa sjukhuset. Ennu ett bakslag.....Det tar visst aldrig slut.
Men han blev bettre under veckan och kunde skrivas ut paa fredagen, lagom tills jag kom hem! :-) Vi hade en mysig helg och var ute paa oen baade Loerdag och Soendag och pappa var med baada dagarna. Foeroevrigt saa tycker jag att han ser starkare ut, repar sig OK....och han er vid gott mod..eller vid saa gott mod som man nu bara kan vara i denna situation.....
Vi ventar ju foertfarande paa test resultatet ifraan isotop roentgen......nervoest. Synd att vi inte kunde faa svar nu medans jag var hemma. Det hade ju kennts mycket nu er jag tillbaka i England igen och faar ta nyheten her istellet. Hoppas foerstaas att det ska vara positivt. Lovar att skriva saa fort jag vet!